Helping to feed our neighbors has always been a concern of our club members especially around the holiday season. Usually this project takes place starting in the beginning of December and ends at our last meeting in December.
In the earlier years of this project members would bring donations of cans of nonperishable foods and bags of rice. These donations were given to the LaGrange Personal Aid Association's Interfaith Food Closet for distribution to their clients. Since those earlier years we have since learned that through various food programs the organization is able to obtain much more with their dollars than we are able to obtain with our own.
On January 23rd Rotary Club of LaGrange President Tripp Penn presented LaGrange Personal Aid Association Executive Director Paul Stedman with a check from the Rotary Club Members for $1,050. This popular fundraiser is supported by the majority of our members.
This project benefits many families in our area but it is difficult to give an exact number.(For an example: If each family of 4 received approximately $50 worth of food then our donation would cover around 21 families , or 84 individuals.)
Partner Involvement |
We partnered with the LaGrange Personal Aid Association to provide funds to be donated to their Interfaith Food Closet. |
Donations to their Food Closet are always welcome.
President Tripp presented Executive Director Paul Stedman with a check from the Rotary Club Members for $1,050.