Wheel of Rotary
PROGRAM this Wednesday, May 31st, will feature Anthony Rodriquez and Rob Goldstein of Wild Leap Brew Company for an update on their enterprize.
PROGRAM last week was brought to us by John Harrell, Mike Angstadt, and Twin Cedars and included an extended meeting to offer Darkness to Light training to as many Rotarians as could come for it. Those who came at the regular time were able to eat when they broke for lunch at noon and it worked very well. Some of the items they mentioned included getting us to think about where our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews go; who supervises them, if our church is a Partner in Prevention, has your child's daycare taken the training, and have your child's teachers taken the training. They need everyone to ask those who care for and supervise their children if they have been trained. The goal is to train 10% of Troup County's adult population so watchfulness and thus reporting can help our community and its children be safe. We also need to know how to talk to our children, especially about on line safety. There are five basic steps: Learning the facts; minimizing the opportunity; talking about it; recognizing the signs; and reacting responsibly. So many people have thought that telling children not to talk to strangers was sufficient, but we never stop to think that a child does not know what a "stranger" is, and that needs to be explained. But according to the statistics they gave, more children are victims of non-strangers and so we need to let children know how to be aware and how not to be cowed into silence if it happens. Children need to know it is not only safe to tell, but imperative and adults need to know how to respond appropriately otherwise a child can deduct from your response that they are the culprit and not the victim. They need sponsors so they can continue to offer group training. For those interested or those who would like to get involved contact John Harrell at 706 302-7546 or jharrell@twincedars.org or contact Kim Adams at 706 302-7365 or at kadams@twincedars.org. Troup County is blessed to have a cohesive network of agencies and individuals dedicated to ensuring the wellbeing of our future, our children.
Guests and Visitors last week were: Ruth Moncus Story, a LaGrange native but a member of Rotary in Jacksonville, Florida; Grace Curtis and Canon Skinner, guests of Markette Baker; and Ricky Wolfe, guest of John Harrell.
PUT it on your CALENDAR: June 22, 2017 will be our annual banquet. Go ahead and out it on your calendar. Details will follow and sign ups will begin soon.
Free your Calendar: We will not have regular meetings on: June 14th so as not to interfere with Rotary International Convention in Atlanta that week. NOR will we meet on June 21, as the Annual Banquet will be the next day, June 22; nor we will meet on July 5, in lieu of Independence Day. Remember that when meetings are officially cancelled, one is not required to make up.
Short bulletin this week. We know everyone probably wishes it could be that way every week.
All the Rotary News that Fits, We Print”
Reported by your Bulletin Editor, Clark Johnson.